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Pomodori selezionati e coltivati in Italia

Sauces and Creams

The simple recipes of our sauces, prepared according to tradition, enhance the high quality of the raw material, the tomatoes and vegetables grown in the fertile Piana del Sele. Each plant is cared for with passion and attention, from sowing to hand-picking, and its fruits, one by one, are processed using an innovative process, so that they retain all their valuable nutritional characteristics intact, along with the taste of the freshly made sauce. The creams are a precious help to complete and enrich risottos, pastas, canapés and any preparation, for a special and different taste.
Yellow Pumpkin Cream 280g
Vegetable Sauce 290g
Arrabbiata Tomato Sauce 290g
Tomato Sauce with Basil 290g
Tomato Sauce with Olives and Capers 290g
Onion Ragout – Neapolitan Genovese 290g
Yellow Datterini Basil Sauce 290g
Arrabbiata Yellow Datterini Ragout 290g